In this article I’m gonna show you how to make a simple robot car using Arduino and h-bridge module with a single motor control here we made the connection using the Tinkercad software simulation and we control the arduino using the Bluetooth from the mobile phone.

But here in Tinkercad there is no Bluetooth module module so we use only Tinkercad to connect the Arduino to the motor and the H bridge here is the complete circuit and here we use the remotexy software to connect the Arduino to the Bluetooth module.
Here is the complete circuit we connect the H bridge L293D to the motor and Arduino.
Here are the two inputs for the Arduino for clockwise and counterclockwise motion and this pin this pink wire controls the enable of the IC to control the speed using PWM signals.
This is the ground for the circuit and voltage VCC and voltage for the motor and the ground and the power from the battery.

Let’s return back to the remote XY software we go to the editor we open we open our project this one we have this joystick and the G sensor enabled we see the configuration we’ll get the configuration Bluetooth connection we go to the device we choose Arduino UNO then we go to the module HC-05 and then we choose the Arduino IDE platform and press apply we get the source code we find that the source code
has generated some default parameters this one like serial we don’t want it like this so we go back to the editor and choose the Bluetooth module interface hardware serial get source code okay so this code doesn’t have the code that moves the motor where are we going to bring this code that controls the motor here is an example see this example here manage Arduino robot using G sensor on your smartphone this sensor uses the G sensor and a smartphone to control the Bluetooth module and then control the H bridge IC to control the motor

But in our example we are only using one motor so we have edited the software this is generated software from the example so we edit it to become like this using only one motor to control the direction and speed of the motor using Arduino that’s it this is the software we’re not going to simulate it because it’s not gonna work because there is no Bluetooth module but we are going to download the software to the Arduino and control the circuit keep tuned we’re gonna show you more to come thank you and good bye