Arduino Voltmeter Circuit on 16×2 LCD with Tinkercad Simulation Project

Arduino Voltmeter Circuit with Tinkercad

In this post , we’re sharing a simple Voltmeter Circuit using Arduino UNO and 16×2 LCD on tinkercad to measure voltages more than 5 volts.

The circuit is very simple and you can see it on Tinkercad interactive simulation.

Here is a list of components:

  • 220 Ohm Resistor
  • 10k Ohm Resistor
  • 100k Ohm Resistor


Arduino Voltmeter Circuit on Tinkercad

hello and welcome in this episode we’re showing to you how to make simple voltmeter using arduino and 16×2 lcd to measure voltages more than 5 volts so if you didn’t yet subscribe to our channel please subscribe to get the latest videos

let’s see the connection we start with arduino uno connected to 16×2 lcd using four pins :

  • data
  • enable pin
  • register select pin
  • read write connected to ground

the ground and vcc of the lcd connected to ground and vcc of the arduino

the backlight led connected to vcc and connected to ground through a 220 ohm resistor

the input is connected to arduino to pin a 0 using a voltage divider circuit with two resistors 100 kilo ohm and 10 kilo ohms

this voltage divider circuit is used for measuring voltages more than 5 ohms as we all know that analog input and all pins of arduino only can input up to 5 volts

so if we nput more than 5 volts we will damage the pin of the microcontroller of arduino so we use this voltage divider circuit those resistors and we connect the input of the power supply to the voltage divider

then we take the input to pin a0 of arduino let’s see the simple code the code starts by including the lcd library then defining the lcd variable with the connection pins

then the analog input and then displaying the values on the lcd that’s a simple code

let’s start the simulation here the input is 1 volt we can change it to 10 volts as we see here arduino reads the input value and then we can change it to different numbers and different values of course

there are ome errors in reading due to the voltage divider here that power supply can output up to 30 volts and arduino can read those values so that was a simple voltmeter circuit using arduino and 16×2 lcd

Here is the Tinkercad interactive simulation that includes the circuit and Arduino Code:

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Arduino Voltmeter Circuit on 16x2 LCD with Tinkercad Simulation Project
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