
FREENOVE Ultimate Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 4 B 3 B+ 400, 558-Page Detailed Tutorial, Python C Java Scratch Code, 223…


Make sure this fits by entering your model number.
3 programing languages -> C, Python (compatible with 2&3) and Java.
434 pages detailed PDF tutorials (include basic electronics knowledge) and complete code -> Download link: https://git.io/fjgTR


Please note this kit DOES NOT include Raspberry Pi.

Supported Models:
 Raspberry Pi 4B / 3B+ / 3B
 Raspberry Pi 3A+ / 2B / 1B+ / 1A+ / Zero W / Zero

Tutorials and Code:
This kit contains 2 detailed PDF tutorials, one (Tutorial.pdf) using C and Python, another (Processing.pdf) using Java.
You can download the tutorials and code before purchasing:


Contents of Tutorial.pdf:
Raspberry Pi
Install the System
Chapter 0 Preparation
 Component List
 Optional Components
 Raspbian System
 Remote desktop & VNC
Chapter 1 LED
 Project 1.1 Blink
(Download tutorial for details)
Chapter 26 WebIOPi & IOT
 Project 26.1 Remote LED
Chapter 27 Solder Circuit Board
 Project 27.1 Solder a Buzzer
 Project 27.2 Solder a Flowing Water Light
What’s next?

Contents of Processing.pdf:
 Install Processing Software
 First Use
Chapter 1 LED
 Project 1.1 Blink
 Project 1.2 MouseLED
Chapter 2 LEDBar Graph
 Project 2.1 FollowLight
(Download tutorial for details)
Chapter 18 Infrared Motion Sensor
 Project 18.1 Sense LED
App 1 Oscilloscope
 App 1.1 Oscilloscope
(Download tutorial for details)
App 5 Tetris Game
 App 5.1 Tetris Game
What’s next?

Make sure this fits by entering your model number.
3 programing languages -> C, Python (compatible with 2&3) and Java.
434 pages detailed PDF tutorials (include basic electronics knowledge) and complete code -> Download link: https://git.io/fjgTR
223 items for 57 interesting projects -> Each project has circuit diagram and tested code with detailed explanation.
Compatible models -> Raspberry Pi 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ / 2B / 1B+ / 1A+ / Zero W / Zero. (NOT included in this kit)
Get support -> Our technical service team is always ready to answer your questions.
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