Welcome to a new project from AeroArduino, where we turn dreams into reality! In this exciting project, we’re bringing to life a childhood dream of creating an Arduino flying car using TinkerCAD. If you haven’t subscribed yet, be sure to hit that subscribe button to stay updated with our latest projects.
Circuit Connection:
Let’s take a detailed look at how each pin is connected to give wings to our Arduino flying car:
Arduino Uno Pin Connections:
- Powering the H Bridge: Connect the 5V (pin) on Arduino to the power (VCC) pin on the H Bridge.
- Grounding the H Bridge: Link all four ground (GND) pins on the H Bridge to the ground (GND) pin on Arduino.
- Powering the Motors: Connect the 9V battery’s positive terminal to the second power (VCC2) pin on the H Bridge.
- Motor Connections: For each motor, connect one terminal to the ground (GND) of the circuit and the other to the respective output pin on the H Bridge.
- H Bridge Input Connections: Connect inputs from Arduino to the H Bridge for each motor.
- Input One: Connect to pin number 5 on Arduino.
- Input Two: Connect to pin number 6 on Arduino.
- Input Three: Connect to pin number 10 on Arduino.
- Input Four: Connect to pin number 11 on Arduino.

Arduino Code:
The magic happens with the Arduino code. In this project, we’ve kept it simple, using blocks in TinkerCAD. The code involves setting the PWM output to 125, representing a 50% duty cycle, effectively operating the motors at half speed. In real-world applications, a remote control or smartphone connectivity via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi would be used for better control.
Let’s convert these blocks into code. The C++ code includes setting up the pins and configuring the PWM outputs. The motors are set to run at half speed, and an automatically generated delay ensures smooth operation.

void setup()
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
void loop()
analogWrite(5, 125);
analogWrite(6, 125);
analogWrite(10, 125);
analogWrite(11, 125);
delay(10); // Delay a little bit to improve simulation performance
TinkerCAD Simulation:

Now, let’s dive into the TinkerCAD simulation. Pressing start, we observe all four motors moving in unison, maintaining the same speed and direction. This synchronization is crucial for achieving the necessary thrust and altitude control. In real life, additional controls such as remote connections would be implemented for more dynamic maneuvering.
In conclusion, this Arduino flying car project on TinkerCAD is not just a technological feat but a dream realized. The young mind behind this design was thrilled to see it come to life. If you’re interested in replicating this project, check out the video description on our website for more details.
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