In this post we’ll learn how to use ArduDroid to control Arduino board in two way communication via Bluetooth using Android smartphone.
This Android App uses Bluetooth to connect Arduino to Android phone using serial Bluetooth Module HC-05 or HC-06.
Using this App, you can read and write to and from all Arduino board pins and ports.
You can read and write to digital ports, you can control PWM ports to write Analog signals, read Analog values from Analog ports and read/write serial data to the Arduino board.

By connecting Arduino board to the Bluetooth module you can gain full control of it.
Normally, the code is opensource so the solution can be customized to your needs and configuration.
Arduino Board
Bluetooth Module HC-05 or HC-06
Android Phone
ArduDroid App
Connect Arduino to the Bluetooth module as the author has chosen or use your own configuration by changing the Arduino code.


/* PROJECT: ArduDroid PROGRAMMER: Hazim Bitar (techbitar at gmail dot com) DATE: Oct 31, 2013 FILE: ardudroid.ino LICENSE: Public domain */ #define START_CMD_CHAR '*' #define END_CMD_CHAR '#' #define DIV_CMD_CHAR '|' #define CMD_DIGITALWRITE 10 #define CMD_ANALOGWRITE 11 #define CMD_TEXT 12 #define CMD_READ_ARDUDROID 13 #define MAX_COMMAND 20 // max command number code. used for error checking. #define MIN_COMMAND 10 // minimum command number code. used for error checking. #define IN_STRING_LENGHT 40 #define MAX_ANALOGWRITE 255 #define PIN_HIGH 3 #define PIN_LOW 2 String inText; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("ArduDroid 0.12 Alpha by TechBitar (2013)"); Serial.flush(); } void loop() { Serial.flush(); int ard_command = 0; int pin_num = 0; int pin_value = 0; char get_char = ' '; //read serial // wait for incoming data if (Serial.available() < 1) return; // if serial empty, return to loop(). // parse incoming command start flag get_char =; if (get_char != START_CMD_CHAR) return; // if no command start flag, return to loop(). // parse incoming command type ard_command = Serial.parseInt(); // read the command // parse incoming pin# and value pin_num = Serial.parseInt(); // read the pin pin_value = Serial.parseInt(); // read the value // 1) GET TEXT COMMAND FROM ARDUDROID if (ard_command == CMD_TEXT){ inText =""; //clears variable for new input while (Serial.available()) { char c =; //gets one byte from serial buffer delay(5); if (c == END_CMD_CHAR) { // if we the complete string has been read // add your code here break; } else { if (c != DIV_CMD_CHAR) { inText += c; delay(5); } } } } // 2) GET digitalWrite DATA FROM ARDUDROID if (ard_command == CMD_DIGITALWRITE){ if (pin_value == PIN_LOW) pin_value = LOW; else if (pin_value == PIN_HIGH) pin_value = HIGH; else return; // error in pin value. return. set_digitalwrite( pin_num, pin_value); // Uncomment this function if you wish to use return; // return from start of loop() } // 3) GET analogWrite DATA FROM ARDUDROID if (ard_command == CMD_ANALOGWRITE) { analogWrite( pin_num, pin_value ); // add your code here return; // Done. return to loop(); } // 4) SEND DATA TO ARDUDROID if (ard_command == CMD_READ_ARDUDROID) { // char send_to_android[] = "Place your text here." ; // Serial.println(send_to_android); // Example: Sending text Serial.print(" Analog 0 = "); Serial.println(analogRead(A0)); // Example: Read and send Analog pin value to Arduino return; // Done. return to loop(); } } // 2a) select the requested pin# for DigitalWrite action void set_digitalwrite(int pin_num, int pin_value) { switch (pin_num) { case 13: pinMode(13, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 12: pinMode(12, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(12, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 11: pinMode(11, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(11, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 10: pinMode(10, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(10, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 9: pinMode(9, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(9, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 8: pinMode(8, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(8, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 7: pinMode(7, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(7, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 6: pinMode(6, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(6, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 5: pinMode(5, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(5, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 4: pinMode(4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(4, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 3: pinMode(3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(3, pin_value); // add your code here break; case 2: pinMode(2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(2, pin_value); // add your code here break; // default: // if nothing else matches, do the default // default is optional } }
Source: Instructables